Tuesday, February 4, 2020

How to Care for Your Rabbit

Do not keep unspayed females with unneutered males, as rabbits reproduce quickly after just a few months of age. Different species of small animals should not be housed together. In particular, rabbits and guinea pigs should never be housed together, as each carries bacteria in their respiratory tracts that can cause illness in the other one. You also might require some kind of wellness plan as preventive care so that you can stay in front of the curve and be proactive. However, Nationwide does not offer a wellness plan for rabbits as it does for birds.

pets at home rabbit care plan

But more often they prefer their feet on the ground and enjoy cuddling up next to their owners for petting. They don't tend to bite, but some might scratch if they feel they're being improperly handled. If you plan on getting a male and a female at the same time, you must neuter and spay them.

Building your habitat

Judge your rabbit’s personality and find the best way to approach and pick it up. If your bunny takes some time coming to you, wait for it to do so. If it gets close and it doesn't take the vegetable, simply put it down and go back to your activity. When it does, let it eat the piece of vegetable you put down.

This article was co-authored by Jamie Freyer, DVM. Dr. Jamie Freyer is a Licensed Doctor of Veterinary Medicine based in Washington. With over ten years of experience in clinical practice and industry, she specializes in veterinary medicine and surgery, animal behavior, and animal genetics. Dr. Freyer holds a BS in Life Science from The University of Portland and a DVM from Oregon State University.

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A common misconception is that smaller breeds need less space than larger ones, but they actually need just as much room to run and hop around in. Rabbits are also highly social animals that crave contact and interaction with their human caretakers. They need a lot more time and effort than people assume, but the payoff is a curious, playful companion that will be part of the family for years.

Domestic rabbits can often live ten years or longer, sometimes well into their teens. As they age and grow, they’ll have different needs, especially as it pertains to their diet. Rabbits are small and delicate, and great care needs to be taken when handling them. Adults should be the primary caretaker of a pet rabbit and carefully supervise children interacting with them. When a rabbit must be held or carried, support their front half, under their rib cage, with one hand and their rear end with the other, holding them close to your body like a football. Keep their legs tucked underneath them to avoid back injury, and never lift a rabbit by the ears of scruff.

Buying Supplies for a Rabbit

Unlike other pet animal species, the vast majority of parasites rabbits carry are species specific- meaning they only infect other rabbits. Of course be sensible and avoid ingesting rabbit pellets, and always wash your hands after handling your rabbit or their pellets, but the risk is low. Dr. Elliott, BVMS, MRCVS is a veterinarian with over 30 years of experience in veterinary surgery and companion animal practice. She graduated from the University of Glasgow in 1987 with a degree in veterinary medicine and surgery. She has worked at the same animal clinic in her hometown for over 20 years. Teach any children in your home how to interact with the rabbit.

Many pet rabbits are allowed to roam around the house when their owners are around. If you choose to allow this, be very careful to rabbit-proof your home. Rabbits love to chew, and dangerous electrical cords are at just the right height for them to find and munch on. When not being directly supervised, your rabbit should be kept in an enclosure that's at least 2 feet by 3 feet for one medium-size rabbit.

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Yes, although there is little nutritional value in celery because it is nearly all water. Rabbits acclimate well to average household temperatures, not to exceed 80°F. They have very few sweat glands, so they overheat easily at higher temperatures. The habitat should never be in direct sunlight or in a drafty area. Accidents coverage – plans that only deal with and cover accidents and injuries. Luckily, your options are quite limited when it comes to exotic pet insurance, so this aspect won’t be a deciding factor.

pets at home rabbit care plan

The height of the enclosure should be greater than the height of your rabbit when it fully stretches up on its hind legs. Because rabbits have tender feet, avoid wire-bottom cages; a better choice is a plastic-bottom dog crate. Lianne McLeod, DVM, is a small animal and exotic pet expert with over a decade of experience writing about veterinary care. After caring for animals in her veterinarian practice, Lianne went on to study biology and research water quality and chronic disease at the University of Saskatchewan. Dr. Jamie Freyer is a Licensed Doctor of Veterinary Medicine based in Washington. A house rabbit can be a fun addition to the family.

Choosing a Healthy Rabbit

Well depending on the amount of rabbit you intend to put under insurance, you can know which of the cost you can be able to afford. Depending on the firm or website you intend to get a quote for your rabbit that will depend on the amount you will have to pay or what the insurance will cost you. So they prefer getting an insurance company for them, so as to help pay a huge amount of money for their rabbit. 15% off select food & essentials when you buy online & pickup in-store.

pets at home rabbit care plan

Timothy, meadow, oat, rye, barley, Bermuda, orchard, and prairie grass should be offered “free choice,” meaning it should be available 24 hours a day. This helps prevent uterine cancer in female rabbits, aggressive behaviors like mounting and spraying in male rabbits and unintended breeding. Some rabbits also might experience overgrown teeth.

Plus each year pick any 6 of the below additional treatments or savings:

Pick up your rabbit by scooping one hand beneath the chest and the other supporting the hind legs and hips. Bring the rabbit against your body and hold the rear end firmly. Rabbits do not like to be suspended in the air and a rabbit will struggle less if it feels secure.

pets at home rabbit care plan

Every insurance provider is different in terms of the caps they have for annual/per-incident deductibles, coinsurance, and annual/lifetime reimbursement payouts. A provisory quote can be established by phoning Nationwide’s toll-free phone number listed on its website. When push comes to shove, you’ll know exactly where to turn to. Grooming rabbits is important for all bunny owners to be familiar with. Find out why regular brushing is a must, bathing is out, and the low down on nail trims.

How to Care for a House Rabbit

You can use fencing panels and tie or pin them together, puppy play pens, or there are also commercially available exercise pens. The height of the panel should be at least 3-4 feet depending on the size and breed of your rabbit. If you are going to let your rabbit roam freely, then you need to bunny-proof their environment (seeBunny-proofing your homefor more information). In either case, you should never leave your rabbit unsupervised, especially with other pets in the household. Finding a veterinarian who is knowledgeable about rabbit care and skilled in treating them can sometimes be difficult.

pets at home rabbit care plan

In order to protect themselves in this kind of instance, insurance providers implement waiting periods – a fixed amount of days before your policy goes into effect. The first thing to consider before you get a pet rabbit is that they have a long lifespan so be prepared to care for them long term. Rabbits are also unique creatures who form tight bonds with their families, but they also have some quirks you should know about. They require routine vet care from a good rabbit vet and are not low maintenance pets if you are doing things right. If you are prepared for all the unique qualities and needs of rabbits, you will be able to fully enjoy the wonderful companionship they can offer.

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